Legal notice

Ownership and purpose of the Website

In accordance with the requirements of Decree Law No. 24/2014 Contracts concluded at a distance and outside business premises we inform you that you have accessed a website (hereinafter "the Website") which domain name, according to the establishment, is owned by the Portuguese commercial companies:

Wondersquare, hereinafter the COMPANY, with tax identification number: 509 834 647, Its registered office is at Rua do Ribeiro 8, 5110-011 Aldeias (Portugal).

Validomain, Lda (hereinafter referred to as the COMPANY, with tax identification number: 510 116 094, its registered office is at Rua do Ribeiro 8, 5110-011 Aldeias (Portugal).

The purpose of the Website is to provide information about the products and services offered by the COMPANY (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Services").

For any query or complaint regarding the Website or the Services, the COMPANY provides you with the contact e-mail address [] and the contact telephone number [+351969216062].

Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website

Access to the Website implies full acceptance by its users of these terms and conditions of use, as well as the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy, all of which are also available on the Website (hereinafter, collectively, "the Terms and Conditions").

Likewise, users of the Website are obliged to make diligent use of the Website and the contents contained therein, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation, as well as with good faith and good customs, and without contravening morality or public order.

Therefore, among others, it is not permitted to access or use the Website for illegal purposes, and therefore, by way of example and not limitation, it is forbidden:

- Use the Website in a manner that may cause damage, interruptions, inefficiencies or defects in its operation;

- Use the Website to transmit, install or publish any viruses, malicious code or other harmful programs or files;

- Use the Website to collect, without authorisation, personal data of other users;

- Unauthorised access to networks or information systems connected to the Website, by hacking or forgery, password mining or any other illegal means;

- Breach, or attempt to breach, the security or authentication measures of the Website or any network or information system connected to the Website, or the security or protection measures inherent in the contents of the Website; or

- Take any action that causes disproportionate or unnecessary strain on the infrastructure of the Website or the networks or information systems connected to the Website.

Reservation of the right to modify and update the Terms and Conditions of use of the Web Site.

The COMPANY reserves the right to make, without prior notice, at any time and with immediate effect, such modifications and updates to the Terms and Conditions as it deems appropriate from time to time. Therefore, the COMPANY recommends users of the Web Site to review the Terms and Conditions from time to time.

Rights and legal positions on the content of the Website

- Definition of the term "content":

For the purposes of the Terms and Conditions, the term "contents" refers to all the contents that make up the Website, understood as such, by way of example and without limitation, the source code, design and navigation structure of the Website, as well as the distinctive signs, videos, photographs, illustrations, graphics, texts, data and other information displayed.

- Rights and legal positions on the contents:

The contents are subject to intellectual property rights, industrial property rights, image rights and/or other rights or legal positions of analogous economic content owned by the COMPANY or by third parties who have granted it the relevant licences or authorisations. Therefore, access to the Web Site does not grant users any ownership or right of use over the contents (by means of, among others, their reproduction, distribution, public communication, making available or transformation), unless the COMPANY or the third party holders of the rights or legal positions in question authorise this either by expressly indicating it on the Web Site or by means of prior licences or authorisations in writing for this purpose.

Therefore, the COMPANY reserves the right to make use of watermarks, technological devices or other means of security that allow online tracking or monitoring of unauthorised use of the content. And, in any case, the COMPANY reserves the right to bring the corresponding civil or criminal legal actions against users of the Web Site who infringe intellectual property rights, industrial property rights, image rights or other rights or legal positions of analogous economic content that apply to the contents.

In the event that any user considers that any of the contents violate the rights or legal positions of third parties, he/she should immediately notify the COMPANY by the means of contact or complaint indicated in the section "Ownership and purpose of the Website", so that this company can analyse and evaluate the case in question.

Right of exclusion from the Website

The COMPANY reserves the right to deny or suspend, without prior notice and in a discretionary manner, at any time and on a permanent or temporary basis, access to the Website to users who do not comply with the Terms and Conditions. This power of the COMPANY is without prejudice to any civil or criminal legal action that the COMPANY may initiate against the users in question.


1. Users' liability

Users shall be solely responsible for taking all appropriate measures to protect the devices and associated software through which they access the Web Site from, among others, viruses, malicious code or other harmful programs or files.

Users shall be solely responsible for their use of the content provided through the Website.

In the event that they make enquiries or complaints to the COMPANY by the means provided for in the section "Ownership and purpose of the Web Site", users shall be liable for any damages that they cause to the company or to third parties for having provided false or inaccurate data or information.  

Users shall also be liable in all other cases in which they breach the Terms and Conditions, such as, but not limited to, the cases indicated in the section "Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of use of the Web Site".

Liability of the COMPANY

The COMPANY will not be responsible for damages or other consequences arising from the use that users make of the Web Site or the contents contained therein.

The COMPANY shall not be liable for damages or other consequences arising from the unavailability of the Web Site or its contents for technical, security, control, updating or maintenance reasons, or for errors due to servers or third party intermediaries or suppliers, such as telephone line deficiencies or Internet overloads.

The COMPANY shall not be liable for damages caused to users of the Website by malicious software, actions of cyber criminals or other illegal interference by third parties.

The COMPANY does not exercise any control over the services, contents and/or other elements that the users of the Website may access through the technical devices of links, directories or other means that may be accessed through the Website (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and similar). Therefore, the COMPANY shall not be liable for the technical availability, quality or accuracy, among others, of the services, contents and/or other elements that have been accessed, nor for damages or other consequences that occur as a result of their use. Under no circumstances does the existence of the aforementioned accesses presuppose the existence of agreements with the owners or those responsible for the services, contents or other elements in question, nor the recommendation, promotion or identification of the COMPANY with them.

Users who decide to visit and/or use any of the third party links will do so at their own risk, and must take the appropriate protective measures.

Without prejudice to the above, in the event that any user considers that by means of any of the technical devices of links, directories or other means that can be accessed through the Web Site, the rights or legal positions of third parties are violated, he/she should immediately notify the COMPANY by the means of contact or complaint indicated in the section "Ownership and purpose of this web site", so that this company can analyse and evaluate the case in question.

The COMPANY may, temporarily or definitively, interrupt access to the Web Site, in the event that the COMPANY is unable or simply does not wish to continue exploiting it; in these cases, user access will be cancelled immediately without the users being able to demand responsibility from the COMPANY.

Likewise, the COMPANY reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice to users, to modify any content of the Web Site, or to update or correct errors or inaccuracies, without users being able to hold it liable.

Provided that it does not contradict the provisions of current legislation, in the event that the COMPANY is held liable for damages to users of the Web Site, the liability of the company will be limited to certain, real and specific damages.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the COMPANY shall in no event be liable for any damages or other consequences arising from the breach of the Terms and Conditions by users.

Links to the Website

Any link from third parties to the Web Site may not imply an unfair use of the contents of the Web Site, unless the third parties in question have obtained prior written authorisation from the COMPANY.

Likewise, the COMPANY prohibits the creation of links to the Web Site from other web sites with contents that are contrary to the law, good faith, good customs, morality or public order.

Law applicable to the Terms and Conditions and Jurisdiction

The Terms and Conditions shall be governed by Portuguese law.

Users of the Website submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Porto, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction to which they may be entitled by law.

The foregoing is without prejudice to the fact that, due to a user's status as a consumer, other legislation and/or jurisdiction may be applicable by law.

Your gateway to the magical Douro Valley.